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We know lemons are healthy, but have you asked yourself why? A good and healthy start to the day is a prerequisite for a successful day. We have the answer to why lemons and their special impact to our bodies should be part of that:


  1. Lemons help deacidify the body
    This might sound odd, as lemons are sour and contain a lot of acid. But lemons are rich in magnesium and potassium which actually makes them part of the alkaline family and therefore help combat acidity and acid reflux. It’s a real miracle worker!
  2. Lemons helps our digestion
    While being alkaline, the acids lemons contain are just as important for us. They help protein digestion and aid the liver to produce enough gall for digestion. This helps fat loss, bloating and constipation. Combined with warm water and cayenne pepper it further boosts weight loss, cleanses the body and gets rid of water weight, which makes it a real weapon against excess weight. That’s why Hollywood stars like Beyoncé swear by this.
  3. Lemons help detoxify the body
    If you make it a habit to start your day with lemon water it will consistently detoxify your body. It will flush all the toxins out and will prevent letting new toxins make themselves too comfortable. This ends up in great benefits for your skin and your kidneys will thank you too!
  4. Lemons boosts the immune system
    The citrus fruit is full of antioxidants and therefore has antibacterial effects. It also helps the body to absorb enough iron. All this boosts the immune system so what are you waiting for?
  5. Lemons fight bad breath
    Mixing water, lemon and honey is great against bad breath. It gently cleanses the mouth and supports natural salvia production while getting rid of the tongues plaque that accumulates during our sleep and has a bad odor.


Was this tells us? We have already ordered a big load of good organic lemons to keep in our office for our new daily routine of a good glass of lemon water every morning. We will watch the progress closely and see if we notice a difference – are you with us?